Zählmarke VG Wort


I'm Andreas Hechler.

I'm a software and DevOps engineer based in Berlin and am interested in software and coding, as well as in agility in general and Scrum in particular. I use this site to make my work results, projects and research as accessible and available to everyone as possible.

My background is in adult education, as a trainer, coach, and evaluator. I am a published author who has given interviews and lectures on my topics of expertise, which include antidiscrimination and helping to shape a society in which people can be different without fear.

I am fascinated by what language can do - changing people's thoughts and actions with words or what they see on screen with code. From changing the size of a font to retrieving data from databases. And from programming music, playing games to automating processes. Making life easier, more colorful, and the world a bit smaller in terms of connecting (to) people. Small changes in code can potentially have a huge impact.


Scholarship for the ability to analyze and understand; cultural anthropology for the ability to observe and listen closely.

My own education and the knowledge of learning processes in order to be able to accompany others.

Politics and my interest in connecting the small with the very big questions, the individual and society, everyday life and domination, the psyche and power.

Inclusion, diversity and sensitivity to discrimination as guidelines and anchors for a just and free society.

Communication Psychology and Nonviolent Communication for clarification processes, distinguishing own parts and those of another person and the guidance to feelings.

Radical therapy and transactional analysis for self-reflection and focusing on group processes, relationship, communication and support.

Contact improvisation for joy, lightness, softness, experimenting, negotiating, somatic experience, mindfulness and flow in the group.

Professional Career


  • Software development
  • Details

    Since 2023: Consultant at Woodmark Consulting AG

    – DevOps engineer of a big data streaming platform

    – Develop, test and operate microservices (Java/Spring Boot, Python)

    – Maintenance of cloud environments using infrastructure as code (Terraform, AWS)

    – Creation of CI/CD pipelines and data transformation (AWS, GitHub Actions, Kafka Streams)

    – Creation and optimization of monitoring and alerting (DataDog)

    – Agile software development (Scrum, SAFe)

    – Specification of user stories and documentation (Jira, Confluence)

    2020–2022: Software engineer at Cascade Information Systems

    2021–2022: Programming of an automated diagnostic software for Charité Berlin (Qt/QML). In addition, project management, consulting, definition of workflows.

    2021: Application with graphical user interface to copy local files to server and to create .svg graphs for the BeMoveD project of Charité Berlin (Python, libraries: Matplotlib, Pandas, Numpy, PySimpleGUI, poetry, pyinstaller).

    2020: Programming software to accumulate requirements from gematik for storage in a database to make the data accessible for research purposes (Python, SQLite).

    Since 2020: Open Source Software development

    Own projects, e.g. here.

  • Process support/facilitation (coaching, counseling, evaluation, complaint management)
  • Details

    2019: Cascade Information Systems: Location and product certification according to Common Criteria

    2019: Westnetz GmbH / D-LABS GmbH: Analysis of the company homepage under aspects of gender equality, suggestions for change

    2018–2019: Anne Frank Center / German Red Cross Thuringia: Process support for measures against discrimination and prevention of right-wing extremism for day-care center advisors of the German Red Cross Thuringia

    2018: Against forgetting - For democracy: Extensive Evaluation (non-participating observations, interviews, material analysis, interim and final report) of the Argumentation training against right-wing slogans

    2018: Free Software Foundation Europe: Consulting and training the implementation of a code of conduct and anti-discrimination measures

    2016–2018: KoFaS - Competence Group Fan Cultures & Sports: Support and Coaching for the implementation of gender-reflected measures in football

    2017–2018: Bundesarbeitskreis Arbeit und Leben: Extensive Evaluation (non-participating observations, interviews, material analysis, interim and final report) of the qualification course broadly positioned - training to prevent ideologies of inequality

    2016–2017: ufuq.de: Team consulting and support on gender-reflected approaches, train the trainer

    2017: Anne Frank Center: Content proofreading of educational materials

    2017: Federal Coordination of Specialized Counseling Services against Sexualized Violence in Childhood and Youth (BKSF): Research and development of proposals for a complaints management procedure

    2016: Dissens - Institute for Education and Research: Coordination of revision of an online presence

  • Further education and training, train-the-trainer, workshops
  • Details

    2010–2020: 1-9-day further education and train the trainer courses for teachers, social workers and political educators throughout Germany

    Institutions: Amt für Lehrerbildung Hessen, Bildungsministerium Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, German Children and Youth Foundation, Dissens – Institute for Education and Research, Institute for Youth Work Gauting, Institut für Qualitätsentwicklung an Schulen Schleswig-Holstein, Landesinstitut für Schule und Medien Berlin-Brandenburg, Landesschulbehörde Niedersachsen, Landessportbund Sachsen-Anhalt, Landesverwaltungsamt Sachsen-Anhalt, RAA Brandenburg, Pedagogical Institute Munich, Paritätisches Bildungswerk Bundesverband, Sozialpädagogisches Fortbildungsinstitut Berlin-Brandenburg, Villa Fohrde

    Individual schools and associations: Alfred Brehm Elementary School Berlin, Dunant Elementary School Berlin, Martin-Luther-High School Eisenach, Miteinander e.V. (Saxony-Anhalt), Vielfalt e.V. Berlin, Werbellin Elementary School Berlin, Willi-Graf-High School Berlin

    2010–2019: Workshops

    Institutions: amongst others: Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Dissens – Institute for Education and Research, Rosa-Luxemburg-Foundation

  • Scientific practice research, lectures, publications and editing
  • Details

    2011–2018: Teaching positions and lectures at universities: Alice Salomon College Berlin, European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), European Solidarity Centre Gdańsk, Evangelische Hochschule Berlin, University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Hochschule Hannover, Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin, University Göttingen, University Kiel, University of Central Lancashire Preston

    2013–2015: Research and further education project on gender-reflected neo-Nazi prevention at Dissens - Institute for Education and Research: Project management, conception and planning; nationwide professional and train the trainer trainings (up to 9 days); consulting and supervision of practical projects; inputs; teaching of methods; lectures; preparation of scientific findings; conference organization and implementation; financial applications and contact with funding agencies; supervision of interns and honorary team

    2010–2012: Nationwide advanced trainings in the further education project Boys' work and school: 8-day teacher training courses on the topic of working with boys; train the trainer trainings; inputs, teaching of methods, consulting

  • Gender sensitive social work (2002–2017)
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    2016–2017: 2-day workshops for primary and secondary school classes in different cities (Berlin, Hesse, Schleswig-Holstein): Gender-reflective pedagogy, gender and sexual diversity

    2009–2012: Hilfen zur Erziehung (social group work and individual case help) at Dissens: Social group work (§ 29 SGB VIII) and educational assistance (§ 30 SGB VIII); gender-related social work with a boys' group; conducting one-on-one interviews, discussion rounds, leisure activities and sports

    2009–2010: Boys' work at the Alte Molkerei Frille: gender-sensitive pedagogy, prevention of violence, promotion of social competence and development of conflict resolution with boys

    2009–2010: Hilfen zur Erziehung at the Björn Schulz Foundation: Educational assistance (§ 30 SGB VIII) and social work with families (§ 31 SGB VIII); support for families with a severely disabled child; work with non-disabled male siblings and their specific problems; counseling for parents in educational questions and conflicts

    2002–2006: Boys' work at Dissens and Pat-Ex: Preparation, implementation and follow-up of project days and weeks for boys on the conflict resolution, sexuality, career choice and male socialization

  • Voluntary service in Tel Aviv-Jaffa/Israel (2009)
  • Employment at the News Agency Reuters (2004–2008) (during studies)
  • Psychosocial support at the Psychosozialer Verbund Treptow (2001–2006) (during studies)


2020: Spiced Academy, on-site 3-months full stack web development bootcamp focused on JavaScript (Berlin)

2019: 6-week Scrum Master internship at SuccessYou (Berlin)

1998–2008: Studies in Cultural Anthropology and Gender Studies at Humboldt University of Berlin

2004: 3-months internship in the European Parliament (Brussels)

1997–1998: Voluntary Ecological Year at BUNDjugend (Berlin)

1989–1997: Graduation at Sophie-Charlotte-High School (Berlin)

1994–1995: Graduation Dyer County High School (Tennessee/USA)

Certificates, further education and training

2020: Professional Scrum Master (PSM I) and Professional Scrum Product Owner (PSPO I)

2017: Snowboard instructor training

2012–2013: Further education to become a child attorney

2010: Further training as a Betzavta trainer

2005–2006: One-year training in Shiatsu

2005: Training as youth group leader (JuLeiCa)

Agility, project management, moderation, argumentation-, communication and discussion trainings, visualization, fundraising, press and public relations, social media, blended learning, OER, hate & counter-speech, interviewing, anti-discrimination pedagogy, social justice, intersectional violence prevention, sexualized violence against boys, neo-Nazism/right-wing extremism, critical whiteness, action against everyday racism, anti-Semitism and many more

Areas of expertise

Research, practice and theory on the topics:

  • Multidimensional Discrimination/Privilege
  • Gender Reflective Pedagogy
  • Boys' work
  • Gender and neo-Nazism (among others interphobia, manosphere, incels)
  • Intersex in education and pedagogy
  • Queer theory and masculinity
  • (Sexualized) violence
  • Antisemitism, racism, critical whiteness
  • National Socialism, politics of memory and family biographies
  • Disability Studies, eugenics and NS-'euthanasia'
  • Digitalization, social media, hate speech, algorithmic discrimination
  • Agility, Scrum

Volunteer work

Associated member of Dissent - Institute for Education and Research

Member of the advisory board of the Organisation Intersex International (OII) Germany

Member of the advisory board of the digital Sounding Board Intersex of the project #BIT | Basics Intersex and Trans of the FUMA Department Gender & Diversity NRW

Member of the advisory board for the prevention of right-wing extremism of the research transfer and e-learning project vt:politics - video tutorials on society, politics and emancipation on the move at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences